840 South Stark Hwy
Weare, N.H. 03281
(603) 529 - 5438
  is the world leader in abrasives - providing solutions for all industries.
Whether it's Automotive, Marine, Industrial, Construction, Residential, Metal Fabrication,
Floor Sanding or Commercial Cleaning, Norton offers the finest products on the market
Our Guarantee:
We will sell you any Norton Product we carry
for less than any retail store in New Hampsire
Click the button below to search Norton's website for the products you need... and when you are ready to order....
Just give us a call.  And of course, we are here to answer any and all questions you might have.
Serving Weare, New Boston, Henniker, Hillsboro, Antrim, Bradford, Deering, Dunbarton, Goffstown, Concord, Manchester and other Southern NH locations